Wednesday, November 17, 2010

They Say Organization is the Key – Who’s They?

See, I already missed a day of blogging! When you’re a WAHM of three it’s so easy to get sidetracked, especially when the children have the flu and are not in school.  I decided to just pick four ideas that can help me today to keep myself organized and above the sea of chaos.

1.       Do To List:  Yes, tried and true this is a very important one.  I choose to keep a notebook nearby to keep my list handy. I add to it constantly during the day. Whether it’s a business task or a personal/home task, I keep it all on one list. Always on the top of my list is laundry. So after getting the kids breakfasts and lunches ready, I throw in a load of laundry. My goal is at least two loads a day to keep the mountains at bay!
2.       Check E-mail: Every morning I check my e-mail and add any tasks to my To Do List. I go through these as quickly as possible, kind of like snail mail; opening and discarding anything I don’t need daily or it can load up like the laundry!
3.       Check Facebook:  This is where I really need to cut down my time. Besides reading personal posts, I look for relevant posts from other sources to see if I need to repost on Facebook or Twitter.  I need to treat this a little like my e-mail too, go through quickly and don’t read those that aren’t relevant. I’ll keep working on this one.
4.       Write Blog Posts:  With the above three, anything can pop into my head to distract me, but this is a very important one that I need to keep my focus on.  Setting a timer has helped to keep me on track.  I’ll set the timer for 15 minutes and totally focus on writing, take 10 minutes to check e-mails or other information that may have come up, then go back for 15 more minutes on blog posts. 

Of course all this gets thrown out the window when a child calls home from school because their sick!  The only thing you can do then is pick up the pieces and continue where you left off. 

What helps to keep you organized? Please share!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Rules of Kids and Body Safety

Last Friday I posted a link to momeomagazine from The Positive Self’s Facebook page. The article entitled Parenting 101: How To Teach Your Kids About Body Safety really made me think about how I expect my children to show affection to friends and relatives.  I observed myself breaking rule #4 "Let your children decide for themselves how they want to express affection."  I would say give “Aunt Barb” or “Uncle Bob a hug and kiss goodbye.” When I should just state that they need to say goodbye and let them decide how to express their affection.  The other rule I my ears perked up on was when an Aunt said “Hey Luke can I tell you a secret?”  I remembered rule #1, No secrets. Period. Since I was telling the Aunt earlier about this article, we continued our discussion that there should be no secrets in the family, that lines of communication should always be left open.

Raising children can make you hyperaware of what’s going on around them. What their hearing, seeing, doing. I’m glad I continue to find ideas and tips that can help me along the way!

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Post a Day! Can I Do It?

I have set a goal of one post per day (weekdays that is). I realized that my posts are far and few between, mostly finding something that irritates me and posting my outrage which you would think would be a daily occurrence.  So I’m pondering what to write about… racking my brain until something clicks…thinking, thinking…anyone, anyone…Bueller….(crickets)…