Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are You Really too Sick?

My 10 year old complained of a stomach ache this morning and told me he wasn't going to school.  I of course ignored his please as this was probably the 118th time he tried this.  So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when he called from school to tell me his stomach was still bothering him, and yes he did eat something and still didn't feel better.  He proceeded to tell me his teacher felt his forehead and he did feel warm.  So I jumped in my car to pick him up.  I ran into his teacher in the office and I had to chuckle because he apologized to me.  I not sure he was apologizing because my son was sick, or because I had to come pick him up and take him home.

Even as a WAHM it's not always easy to work when the children are home.  It is a blessing that I can drop everything and pick my children up when they are sick, but they are basically in my "office" when they are home.  I feel for mother's who work outside of the home and either can't leave, or have to jump through hoops to figure out how they can leave and still get their work done.

So after a half a package of saltine crackers, my son is feeling better...until tomorrow and the 119th time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Can A Busy Mom Stay Focused?

I haven’t posted in awhile and I apologize.  It seems that the closer it gets to spring, the busier we get around here.  With three children in various activities and all the tasks that I currently have going on with work and other projects, I find that I have a hard time focusing on what’s important and what I really need to get done.  Like right now it’s taxes!  We don’t prepare our own taxes, I just need to gather all the paperwork that our accountant needs.  Ok, so how easy is that?  Yet I still procrastinate!  I get frustrated with my children when they can’t seem to focus on a simple task and here I am doing the same thing. 

I wrote a post about organization awhile back and I think it’s time to revisit this and also other ways to stay focused.   

I started listing the top three things I need to do today.  #1 today is of course getting paperwork together for taxes (right after I finish this post of course).  Make sure you put in a task that is fun, interesting or educating.  This will motivate you to get to the end of your list faster. 

I also decided to keep most household chores for the late afternoon and evening when the kids are home.  This way I can interact with them better than if I was sitting at the computer working.  Plus it’s easier to get them to do their chores if I’m working alongside with them.

One of the last things I like to do at the end of the day is to read.  This is my way of relaxing and I look forward to it every day.  So most evenings by 10:00 pm you can find me with a book in my hands winding down for the night!

What helps to keep you focused and not procrastinate?